
Thursday 7 November 2013


Yesterday is HISTORY
Tomorrow is a MYSTERY
Today is a GIFT
That's why we call it

Thursday 24 October 2013

8 Kunci Utama - aBadi bErsAhaBat

Di dalam kehidupan setiap individu, persahabatan pasti membawa maksud yang tersendiri di dalam kehidupan. Kehadiran mereka yang bernama sahabat bukan sahaja dapat mengisi hari-hari bahagia individu, malahan kehadiran mereka juga dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat sandaran di kala kesusahan atau kesedihan sedang melanda diri.

Namun kenyataan yang harus kita terima adalah dua sahabat merupakan dua individu yang berbeza yang sudah pasti memiliki sikap dan keinginan yang berbeza di antara satu sama lain. Ternyata untuk mempertahankan hubungan persahabatan yang terjalin itu tidak semudah yang kita sangka. Tetapi ia bukan bermaksud yang kita tidak perlu berusaha untuk mempertahankan hubungan persahabatan yang sekian lama telah terjalin. Berikut adalah 8 kunci utama yang perlu kita amalkan dalam menjalinkan hubungan persahabatan  yang sihat sekali gus membantu kehidupan kita menjadi lebih ceria.

1) Bersikap terbuka adalah satu landasan penting yang harus diamalkan dalam sebuah hubungan persahabatan. Sebuah hubungan  persahabatan yang sihat pasti akan bebas dari perasaan dendam dan bersalah. Jika timbul sebarang masalah dalam hubungan persahabatan, berbincanglah mengenainya secara terbuka.

2) Layan sahabat kamu seperti mana kamu ingin diri kamu dilayani olehnya. Jadi, bila kamu ingin si sahabat berada di sisi sewaktu kamu berada di dalam keadaan sedih, lakukanlah perkara yang sama terlebih dahulu terhadap diri sahabat kamu itu.

3) Tiada manusia yang sempurna di dunia ini. Saling menerima kekurangan antara satu sama lain adalah kunci persahabatan yang baik. Namun dalam masa yang sama, masing-masing perlulah cuba membantu antara satu sama lain untuk memperbaiki kekurangan yang ada dalam diri. Lantaran itu, kita haruslah bersikap terbuka dalam memberi dan menerima kritikan.

4) Hargai pendapat satu sama lain. Berbeza pendapat itu memang tiada salahnya. Namun setiap sahabat perlulah bijak menguruskannya agar salah faham tidak berlaku.

5)  Sahabat bukanlah individu yang akan mendampingi kita selama 24 jam dan 7 hari seminggu kerana masing-masing ada kehidupan sendiri. Jadi jangan berasa kecil hati jika si sahabat sedang sibuk dengan ahli keluarganya atau rakan-rakannya yang lain.

6) Komunikasi memang perlu kerana komunikasi yang berkesan mampu membentuk sebuah hubungan persahabatan yang harmoni.

7)  Belajarlah mengenali antara satu sama lain agar hubungan menjadi lebih sihat.

8) Jangan jadikan 'kekasih' sebagai penghalang untuk kamu terus bersahabat. Bahagikan masa dengan sebaik-baiknya agar semua pihak mampu menikmati kebahagiaan bersama.

Learning from other

When I become a bit depressed,
I count the ways in which I'm blessed,
And notice those with heavier crosses,
Who seem to turn to gain
their losses.

They always seem eager
to share,
A loaf, a smile, a hopeful prayer,
And walk the way of happiness,
Giving more, asking less.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

PUA KHEIN SENG inventor of the pen drive

Datuk Pua Khein Seng, who has been honoured by Penang for inventing the pen drive, is currently CEO of Taiwan-based Phison Engineering Corporation.
He had invented the flash memory technology in 2001. Yet till today, the USB drive has not changed its characteristics but only grew larger in capacity and usage.
Miniature versions are now thriving in markets and perhaps soon an embedded USB drive version could in the future improve human memory.
Pua, born in Selangor in June 1974, is credited with incorporating the world's first single chip USB flash drive.
He was trained in electrical control engineering at the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. He remains a resident in Taiwan.
Today, the pen drive or the USB flash drive is as ubiquitous as floppy disks were in the 1980s.
A USB flash drive is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus ( USB ) interface. USB flash drive are typically removable and rewritable, and physically much smaller than floppy disk.
Most weigh less than 30 grams.
Currently, drives of up to 256 gigabytes ( GB ) are available. A one-terabyte ( TB ) was unveiled at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show and will be available later this year.
Storage capacities as large as 2 TB are planned, with steady improvements in size and price per capacity expected. Some allow up to 100,000 write/erase cycles, depending on the exact type of memory chip used, and a 10-year shelf storage time.
USB flash drive are often used for the same purposes for which floppy disk or CD-ROMs were used - for storage, back up and transfer of computer files.
They are smaller, faster, have thousand of times more capacity, and are more durable and reliable because they have no moving parts. Until about 2005, most desktop and laptop were supplied with floppy disk drives in addition to USB port, but floppy disk drives have been abondoned due to their lower capacity compared to USB flash drives.
USB flash drives use the USB mass storage standard, supported natively by modern operating systems such as Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and other Unix-like systems, as well as many BIOS boot ROMs.
USB drives with USB 2.0 support can store more data and transfer faster than much larger optical disc drives like CD-RW or DVD-RW drives and can be read by many other systems such as the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, DVD players and in a number of handled devices such as smartphones and tablets computers.
A flash drive has no moving parts to be driven; therefore, it's not a true drive. The term drive persists because computers read and write flash drive data using the same systems commands as for a mechanical disk drive, with the storage appearing to the computer operating system and user interface as just another drive.
A flash drive consists of a small printed circuit board carrying the circuit elements and a USB connector, insulated electrically and protected inside a plastic, metal, or rubberised case which can be carried in a pocket or on a key chain, for example.
The USB connector may be protected by a removable cap or by retracting into the body of the drive, although it is not likely to be damaged if unprotected. Most flash drives use a standard type - A USB connection allowing connection with a port on a personal computer, but drives for other interfaces also exist.


CHINESE HERBAL medicine is a major aspect of traditional Chinese medicine, which focuses on restoring a balance of energy, body, and spirit to maintain health rather than treating a particular disease or medical condition. Because of large number of Chinese herbs used and the different uses recommended by practitioners, it is difficult to comment on Chinese herbal medicine as a whole. There may be certain herbs or extracts that can play a role in cancer prevention and in treatment of cancer and other diseases when combined with mainstream treatment.

- A different concept
Chinese herbal medicine is not based on mainstream Western concepts of medical diagnosis and treatment. It treats patients' main complaints or the patterns of their symptoms rather than the underlying causes. Practitioners attempt to prevent and treat imbalances, such as those caused by cancer and other diseases, with complex combinations of herbs, minerals, and plant extracts. Chinese herbal medicine uses a variety of herbs such as astragalus, ginkgo, ginseng, green tea, and eleuthero in different combinations to restore balance to the body. Herbal blends are said to prevent ant treat hormone disturbances, infections, breathing disorders, and a vast number of other ailments and diseases. Some practitioners claim herbs have the power to prevent and treat a variety of types of cancer.

Most Chinese herbalists do not claim to cure cancer. They use a herbal medicine with mainstream treatments prescribed by oncologists, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy. They claim that herbal remedies can help ease the side effects of standard cancer treatments, control pain, improve quality of life, strengthen the immune system, and in some cases, stop tumor growth and spread. One aspect of Chinese herbal medicine aims to restore or strengthen immunity and resistance to disease. Treathments undertaken with this goal are called Fu Zheng or Fu Zhen and are given as complementary therapy intended to reduce the side effects from mainstream cancer treatments.

- Right formula
In China, more than 3,200 herbs and 300 mineral and animal extracts are used in more than 400 different formulas. Herbal formulas may contain four to 12 different ingredients, to be taken in the form of teas, powders, pills, tinctures, or syrups. Chinese herbal remedies are usually made up of a number of herbs and mineral animal extracts. Typically, one or two herbs are included that are said to have the greatest effects on the problem being treated. Other ingredients in the formula are supposed to treat minor aspects of problem, direct the formula to specific parts of the body, and help the other herbs work better.

With the increase in popularity of herbal medicine, many Chinese herbs are now sold individually and formulas. It can be purchased in health food stores, some pharmacies, and from herbal medicine practitioners. Before choosing a mixture of herbs for a patient, the traditional Chinese practitioner will typically ask about symptoms and examine the patient, often focusing on the skin, hair, tongue, eyes, pulse, and voice, in order to detect imbalances in the body.

Tuesday 22 October 2013


IT'S NUTS, but something as innocuous as a large variety of nuts is what we need for excellent nutrition in a compact package. Nuts contain moderate amounts of protein ( 9-20 per cent ) and, with the sole exception of chestnuts, also contain large quantities of fat ( 49-74 per cent total fat). This fat is mostly monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat. Currently, nuts are included in the protein food group along with meat, fish, poultry, eggs and legumes. Nuts are also a good source of dietary fibre and provide a wide range of essential nutrients, including several B group vitamins, vitamin E, minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium and magnesium, antioxidant minerals ( selenium, manganese and copper ) , plus other antioxidant compound ( such as flavonoids and resveratrol)g

-Raw or roasted?
Preliminary results indicate little difference in the nutrient content of raw and roasted nuts. Roasting reduces the water content of nuts, making the nutrients a little more concentrated. However, roasting may potentially reduce the concentration of several B group vitamins ( as they are not heat stable ). Moreover, many roasted nut varieties are salted and therefore have a higher sodium content than raw nuts. If you like the taste of roasted nuts, but want to reduce your salt intake, choose only unsalted roasted nuts.

- Protect your heart
Based on both the composition of the fats ( a high proportion of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and a low proportion of saturated fats ) and the results of studies comparing heart disease rates among people who eat nuts with those who do not, the answer seems to be a resounding no! Studies suggest that consuming about 30 grams ( a small handful ) of nuts per day provides protection against heart disease. It seems a number of heart-healthy nutrients in nuts work together to achieve this heart protective effect.
These include :
- Health-promoting fats that help regulate blood cholesterol
- Fibre and plant sterols that help reduce cholesterol re-absorption from the gut
- Arginine ( an amino acid which is coverted to nitric oxide in the body ) which keeps blood vessels elastic, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis ( hardening of the arteries )
- Antioxidant vitadins and minerals, e.g. vitamin E, copper, manganese, selenium and zinc, and other antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids and resveratrol that reduce oxidation and gnflammation
- Naturally low sodium and high potassium levels which assist in maintaning healthy blood pressure

- Risk of diabetes
The situation seems to be similar for diabetes as for heart disease-nuts may be protective. A large of study found that women who ate about 30 grams of nuts per day on five or more days of the week had approximately 30 less risk of developing diabetes compared with those who ate few or no nuts. This effect was attributed at least partly to the high levels of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in nuts, which ( in addition to their positive effects on blood cholesterol ) are believed to enhance insulin sensitivity. Nuts can also be a benefit to those already suffering from diabetes. Nuts reduce the overall glycaemic index of the diet. When added to meals rich in carbohydrates, nuts slow the passage  of the meal through the gut and reduce blood glucose levels following the meal.


Salah satu waktu yang paling baik untuk minum air putih adalah pada pagi hari setelah bangun dari tidur. Antara sebab-sebabnya adalah :

Seimbangkan sistem buah pinggang
- Tubuh kita memiliki air yang cukup dan apabila tubuh kita terhidrasi, keadaan ini akan memaksimumkan fungsi tubuh. Pengambilan air putih dapat menyeimbangln cairan dalam tubuh kita dan dapat mencegah jangkitan.

Kulit lebih berseri
- Selain dapat membersihkan racun dalam darah dan menyingkirkan racun yang ada dalam tubuh, meminum air putih juga dapat menjadikan kulit kita lebih berseri.

Melangsingkan tubuh
- Cuba minum dua gelas air setiap bangun tidur pada pagi hari kerana ia dapat meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh sebanyak 24 peratus.

Menambah darah
- Ketika anda berasa lesu, pening dan anemia, minumlah air dengan jumlah yang mencukupi. Ia dapat membantu tubuh membentuk sel darah yang baru dan membantu pembentukan sel otot.

Membersihkan usus
- Minum air ketika perut kosong dapat membersihkan usus dan membuatnya lebih mudah menyerap nutrisi makanan yang masuk kemudiannya.